2015 - Aleksia Mansaku

July 15, 2015

Keshilla per Syze te Persosura.

July 15, 2015 0
Keshilla per Syze te Persosura.
Mirdita te dashur lexues,
Korriku eshte nje muaj me shume djell i cili cdo vite na kujton rendesin e syzeve te djellit. E po kjo gje nuk eshte aspak problem! Syzet gjate dites mund ti perdorim si mbrojtes per syte tona dhe po ashtu dhe si "rreth" per floket qe me shume fuksionon per femrat kjo lehtesi.
 Arsyja e ketij artikullit eshte se jo te gjithe mund te veshim cdo lloj syzeje, pasi nuk kemi te gjithe te njejtat tipare ne fytyre dhe jo te gjithe jemi si kukulla barbie qe tmendoj nje fabrik i terre vetem per ne, sic bejn fabrikantet per kukullat e tyre. Kjo gje sduhet tju shqetesoj aspak, pasi ka njerez te cilet punesohen vetem per te krijuar syze te reja te cilat mund te pershtaten ne cdo lloj fytyre.
Syzet pervec mbrojtjes te syve te mos pesojn gje nga rrezet e forta UVA dhe te lekures per-rreth syve, tregojn dhe esthetik dhe nje veshje me te kujdesur. Pikerisht kjo eshte dhe arsyja e cila ka bere shume kompani syzesh te shpikin syze me forma te ndryshme, xhama te ndryshme, ngjyra te ndryshme dhe material te ndryshem.
Ndodheni ne vendin me te pershtatshem per te gjetur disa keshilla te dobishme te cilat do ju ndihmojn te gjeni syzet e persosura per cdo lloj forme fytyre qe keni ju dhe te afermit tuaj. RRUMBULLAKE: Nese fytyra juaj eshte rrumbullake, ju pershtaten tmerresisht shume syzet me forma te forta, me cepa e cila do tregojn fytyren tuaj me te gjere. Preferoni syze katrore ose me form fluture. KATRORE: Nese vija e mjekres tuaj eshte i forte, balli juaj i gjere dhe kockat e faqeve te gjera, keni nevoj per nje skelete qe eshte rrumbullake ose ovale. Rrumbullake ose ovale nuk ka rendesi te madh, pasi qe te dyja do te tregojn ne menyre te barabarte fytyren tuaj te bukur. Nje detaj i vogel eshte qe skeleti juaj te jet lehtesisht horizontal dhe me linja te medha vertikale. OVALE: Ju qe keni fytyren ovale, konsiderojeni veten me fat, pasi ju shkojn te gjitha format e skeleteve te syzeve. Eksperimentoni pa frike, me syze, maska, skelete katrore, qoshe pak te rrumbullakosura, me cdogje. TREKENDESH: Fytyra me forme trekendesi do te thote mjeker te ngushte dhe balle te gjere. Preferoni syzet me linja te drejta dhe me xham i cili do te theksoj me shume syte tuaj, dhe do ju tregoj nje fytyre me shume simetrike. Ju mund te zgjidhni lehte, nje skelet katrore me qoshe katrore. ZGJATUR: Nese fytyra juaj eshte i holle dhe i gjate, syzet qe ju pershtaten me shume jan ato me forma me te rrumbullakosura dhe me ngjyra te ndritshme e cilat do te japin pershtypjen e nje fytyre me t gjere. DIAMAND: Fytyra e cila ka faqe te mbushura dhe tipare te forta. Preferoni forma te syzeve te cilat kan linja te trasha siper vetllatave qe te theksoni me shume syte tuaja dhe te mcifni tiparet e forta te fytyres tuaj.

Me poshte do te gjeni tipin e skeletit qe ju shkon me shume, ose qe do te preferoni me shume qe te keni!
Metalike. Avantazhet: Nese djersiteni shume, nje zgjidhje e duhur per ju eshte te merrni skeletin tuaj te bere nga titan, e cila nuk do te kthehet ne ngjyre jeshile nga djersa. Tek avantazhet po ashtu futet dhe fakti qe jan me te lehta ne krahasim me strukturat e tjera metalike. Me teper, nje skelet metalik eshte me i lehte per tu perputhur me mire me formen e fytyres tuaj dhe zakonisht ju shqetesojn me pak vizionin tuaj. Disavantazhet: Zakonisht jan me te shtrenja dhe me te forta per tu prishur ne varesi me specie te tjera. Nese i harroni ne djelle ato mund te ngrohen shume dhe tmos i vishni dot. Po ashtu duhet te jeni te kujdesshem me skeletin metalik pasi mund tju shkaktoj alergji ne lekuren tuaj. Alergjia eshte shpesh shkaku i nikelit. Kock ose Plastike. Avantazhet: Mund ti zgjidhni ne ngjyra te ndryshme. Nuk shkaktojn alergji ne lekuren tuaj. Jan me ekonomike, me te lehte dhe me te qendrueshem se metaliket. Disa kan rezistenc te madh tek renjet nga siperfaqe te larta dhe gjithashtu nese thyhen, shpesh rregullimi nuk eshte i mundur. Disavantazhet: Nuk pershtaten lehte ne formen e fytyres tuaj, vetem ne rast se kan nje tel te vecant per kte gje. Druri. Si nje trend prototipike per syze djelli, druri i perdorur per syze djelli eshte i ilustruar dhe krijohen linja te bukura dhe te vecanta per skeletin e tyre. Marrin trajtim te vecant ne menyre qe druri te marri nje form te qendrueshme, po ashtu jan dhe hypoallergjenic. Ne cdo rast shikoni qe syzet tuaja te ken ato mbeshteteset e buta ne vendin ku syzet takohen me hunden tuaj ne menyre qe tmos ju bezdisi. Gjithashtu mire eshte qe syzet te mos jen te ngjitura me fytyren tuaj, por te jen te rehatshme.
TeenAngel Girl.

May 22, 2015

How to Pull Off the Half Bun!!!

May 22, 2015 0
How to Pull Off the Half Bun!!!
     The last time you uttered the words "half up, half down" where in 2003!
     Alright, I am here to tell you that this hairstyle, which was seen most at weddings and proms, has returned--but in a new way.
     I will introduce you the half bun, from my eyes. It is loose, casual and super popular with celebrities.
     Here are some listed steps you can follow for a nice looking messy half bun.

    1. Create some beach-y waves. If you have curly hair, you are so lucky as you do not need to follow this first step. For who has straight hair you can make beach-y waves in many ways. Firstly, with a curly iron and later mess them up or if you do not have a curly iron, you can do it with a flat one. Take two sections of your hair, create a twisted cord holding the ends and twist them together. Use the flat iron and iron them starting from the top. Let it cool completely and then unravel them. Repeat with other section as much as you need. Last, you can use a sea-salt spray and a curling want to add some effortless kinks. 
    2. Keep the bun low. This particular bun should rest back on the crown of your head. Write where you separate the two sections of hair--that's where it should go. 
    3. Make one that works for you. Everyone's personal texture is unique. Pull your hair through a rubber band two and a half times, or circle your hair first and then wrap the rubber band around that. However you normally rock a messy situation... 
    4. Finish with a light-hold spray. You want to keep the strands in check while also keeping the  “I woke up like dis” vibe.      
    Best wishes,
    TeenAngel Girl. 

    May 17, 2015

    11 Beautiful reasons why a mother is her daughter's best friend

    May 17, 2015 0
    11 Beautiful reasons why a mother is her daughter's best friend

           Maybe your baby girl loves more her father but when she will grow up, she will always ask for her mother, either if she is in a trouble. The most perfect relationship is between a mother and her daughter. There may be a limit that will always separate your roles in the family - mum & daughter - but always a mum will be her daughters best friend, no matter what.

    See below 10+1 reason why mom will always be your most ideal bestie.
    1. You will give to each other advice on relationships. 
    2. Always she will run on your shoulder to cry on.
    3. Both you will have spent the same problems at different times.
    4. Always she will ask your advice as she knows she will always have the right answer from you.
    5. She knows that if someone offend or hurt her, you will always support her. 
    6. You will always know how to make her laugh. 
    7. You will have one of your own communication code.
    8. Until 18 she will not want to look like you at all, but once she will pass she will want to be just like you. 
    9. When you two will have a fight, it would be like colliding with yourself. 
    10. You two know exactly what gift to make to each-other. 
    11. Always your arms would be her shelter.

      I use to have this relationship with my mom and I feel so happy that someone who really loves me, does exist. She can understand me without speaking. She knows what I love and what I would love, too. She is in my mind, she trusts me as I do and I will always love her beyond the infinitive. I do trouble because I want to raise her interest on me, we have fights like Tom&Jerry but we always find a way to speak to each-other again, in very few minutes. We hang out together, shop together, laugh together, go to the cinema, study, cook, play, speak, everything. She is the only person which take care of me, say everything as it is without lies and what I can say more?. She completes me, she is my ideal bestie -mom-. Thank you for reading my post, I would love to see any reply down below! Thank for sharing- if you do. 

      TeenAngel Girl.

    March 22, 2015

    How to Avoid Spring Allergies

    March 22, 2015 0
    How to Avoid Spring Allergies
    It’s finally starting to feel like the first few days of spring have arrived. I couldn’t be happier that the weather is warming up! It truly inspires me. But one of the only downfalls about the arrival of spring is that along with it comes allergy season. Cue the sneezing, itching, and coughing. Although spring is quite literally in the air, there is no reason you shouldn’t be outdoors enjoying every minute of it. So, today I am sharing three natural ways to survive spring allergy season.

    Allergies occur when the immune system mistakes otherwise sneeze-inducing substances like pollen and grass as harmful. “As a defensive move, the body releases histamines into the bloodstream, which are responsible for the inflammatory response in the nasal airways and sinuses. Now that you know why allergies happen, here’s how to avoid them…

    • 1. Eat the right stuff.

    I find that turning to diet is usually the answer to solving a lot of health problems in life. For example, my mother, gets allergies during the spring season. She has found that avoiding dairy products all together helps a ton with his congestion. My grandma which is a doctor, also recommends eating omega-3 rich fatty fish (salmon, sardines and mackerel), olive oil, walnuts, flax seeds, dark leafy greens, ginger, turmeric, tomatoes, garlic, berries, and green tea. These foods are all anti-inflammatory, so they will help relieve allergies.

    • 2. Add a little honey.

    Eating local honey has also shown to help relieve seasonal allergies. Local honey works the same way as a vaccine: When bees create honey, some of the pollen from flowers they have pollinated rubs off from the bees and into the honey. Therefore, eating local honey is essentially introducing your body to the pollen it is allergic to. The idea is that over time, your body will get used to these allergens and grow immune to them. I add local honey to my smoothies, on top of frozen yogurt, or with fresh berries. I even eat it plain on days when I’m running out the door and I can feel allergies coming on. Just don’t add it into piping hot tea—the heat will kill off all the good enzymes that act as antihistamines.

    • 3. Use a natural sinus rinse.

    When allergies create congestion or—even worse—sinus infections, the best think you can do for relief is rinsing out your sinuses. You can go to the store and buy a Neti Pot, which actually works like magic. Or, you can make your own at-home sinus rinse. It will flush out all the allergens and leave you feeling clean and clear. Simply mix natural salt and a pinch of baking soda into purified water. Pour the mixture into a Neti Pot, a Saline rinse bottle, or a glass that has a pouring spout. Tip your head to one side and pour the mixture through one nostril until it comes out the other. It doesn’t sound pretty, but I guarantee your sinuses will thank you.

    I hope these tips help you to enjoy the spring weather…flowers, pollen and all!

    X.O Aleksia

    March 21, 2015

    How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

    March 21, 2015 0
    How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

    Hello my Lovers! I really missed my blogging days! Hope you all are doing fine. Every time of the day I had my blogspot on my mind, believe me. But my day was always full of studying, working and hanging out. Anyway, as you see now I am here to fill the gaps. Let's start with todays' theme post.

    I'm sure that every girl, to be more specific, most of female teenagers had tried once to put makeup on her face. Using brushes to apply makeup on our face it's easier and more professional than using our hands for this job. But did you know that you should be cleaning your makeup brushes? I will disclose you the way I do my makeup brushes wash up routine.

    Washing your makeup brushes should be a regular part of your beauty routine. When you use your brushes, bits of makeup, oil, dirt, and even bacteria can get trapped in the bristles. So while it might seem basic, skipping this step can lead to clogged pores and pesky breakouts. Not to mention the fact that quality makeup brushes can be expensive. So learning how to properly clean them is one of the best ways to protect your investment.
    Luckily, cleaning your makeup brushes is quick and easy. The first step to keeping your brushes clean is picking up a daily brush cleaner and spritzing it on your brushes after each use. Once a week, it’s time for a deep cleaning. (Note that your brushes will need a few hours to dry after a deep cleaning, so I’d recommend washing them after you have applied your makeup that day.)

    Here’s the right way to deep clean your makeup brushes…
    You will need:
    • A shallow bowl
    • Gentle clarifying shampoo or baby shampoo
    • Your sink
    • A lint free cloth

    Begin by running your brushes under lukewarm water, rinsing out all of the residual makeup.
    Try to focus on the actual bristles while avoiding the part of the brush where handle meets the head, as this can loosen the glue over time
    Fill a bowl with lukewarm water and a squirt of shampoo, and gently swirl your brush tip in the water. If you need to, you can also swirl the brush in the palm of your hand to work up a lather.
    Rinse the brush tip under running water once again. Repeat steps two and three until the water runs clear from the brush,
    Use a cloth to wipe your brush clean, reshaping the bristles as you go.
    Lay your brushes flat on a cloth to dry.
    And there you have it! Your makeup brushes will be as clean a whistle. It’s also worth mentioning that there are specially formulated brush shampoos on the market. A gentle clarifying or baby shampoo will do the trick just fine though.

    Thaaaaaaaaat's all! Hope this post helped you, thats the way I do it. I've tried to be clear and very absolute with my instructions. Tell me your experience! Have a great time and see you all soon!

    Best wishes,
    Aleksia Mansaku.